Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Aaargh!!! I can't wait!!

So this isn't my official Waiting on Wednesday post, but I was trolling around my favorite authors' blogs today when what should I see but:

I cannot wait for this book. Isn't this cover beautiful?! Westerfeld does Steampunk which thanks to Philip Reeve's Hungry City Chronicles has become one of my favorite genres. And then I scroll down on Mr. Westerfeld's blog and what do I see???? A picture of stacks of ARCs. Aaaah!!

I need this book. I want this book, but apparently I will have to wait a million years...or until October, to read this book. Woe is me!! Oh well, it will be well worth the wait I am sure.


  1. I know! I saw the picture on his blog of the ARCs. Talk about temptation!

  2. OMG! Looks amazing...

  3. I am overcome with book lust...

  4. I wish I was going to BEA or ALA or one of those, so that I might have a chance of getting a copy, but alas, I will be staying here in Missouri, or as I like to call is Misery. Bah!

  5. yay! a new westerfeld! can't wait too!
