Just wanted to let everyone know that although my contest officially ended today, you can still enter if you'd like through tomorrow. I'm in new teacher meetings, so I won't have a chance to choose a winner until Saturday sometime, so enter away if you'd like to win The Hate List and Beautiful Creatures. These books are completely made of awesome!!!
Enter Here!!
A Young Adult and Children's Book review blog with some other things thrown in.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Intertwined by Gena Showalter

Release Date: September 1, 2009 from Harlequin Teen
Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human souls living inside him:
One can time-travel.
One can raise the dead.
One can tell the future.
And one can possess another human.
With no other family and a life spent in and out of institutions, Aden and the souls have become friends. But now they're causing him all kinds of trouble. Like, he'll blink and suddenly he's a younger Aden, reliving the past. One wrong move, and he'll change the future. Or he'll walk past a total stranger and know how and when she's going to die.
He's so over it. All he wants is peace.
And then he meets a girl who quiets the voices. Well, as long as he's near her. Why? Mary Ann Gray is his total opposite. He's a loner; she has friends. He doesn't care what anyone thinks; she tries to make everyone happy. And while he attracts the paranormal, she repels it. For her sake, he should stay away. But it's too late....
Somehow, they share an inexplicable bond of friendship. A bond about to be tested by a werewolf shape-shifter who wants Mary Ann for his own, and a vampire princess Aden can't resist.
Two romances, both forbidden. Still, the four will enter a dark underworld of intrigue and danger but not everyone will come out alive....
This is the second release from the new Harlequin Teen line, of which, I am a bit of a fan. They're seriously sending me into fangirlland with these first releases. This will, I believe, be the first hardcover release.
First of all, let me just say that Aden is a dreamboat. I totally have a new YA leading man crush and it's with a guy who just so happens to have 4 souls, other than his own, who are sharing his body. That's okay though....we all have issues. Aden happens to handle his quite well. When not fighting off reanimated corpses or traveling through time, he's just your average high school student.
I appreciate that with Aden, Showalter has given us a character who has had to struggle in his life. He's been in and out of foster homes and mental institutions, but he still takes control over his life and his actions. It makes for a fascinating character and a compelling read.
All of the characters are great. I especially like the chemistry and sparks between Mary Ann and Riley, but then again, I have always preferred guys who howl at the moon. This is a great read. All of our favorite supernatural beings are present and accounted for including some classic vampires from history.
It's just a really easy read and the dialogue is great. At times it feels like your just talking to one of your friends, or eavesdropping on a juicy conversation. I definitely recommend this one and I look forward to the next book in the series, because from the ending I'm assuming and hoping that there will be more. I look forward to visiting Aden and his crazy world again and again.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday (26)--Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
The only photo I could find is from Rachel Hawkins' blog and it's of the ARC, which I assume is not the final cover.
Release Date: March 2, 2010 from Hyperion
Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie's estranged father-an elusive European warlock-only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it's her dad who decides her punishment: exile to Hex Hall, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, faeries, and shapeshifters.
By the end of her first day among fellow freak-teens, Sophie has quite a scorecard: three powerful enemies who look like supermodels, a futile crush on a gorgeous warlock, a creepy tagalong ghost, and a new roommate who happens to be the most hated person and only vampire on campus. Worse, Sophie soon learns that a mysterious predator has been attacking students, and her only friend is the number-one suspect.
As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her.
I think this book sounds amazing and I believe it's the first book in a series, which, of course, I love. It doesn't come out for a realllllly long time, but I will be eagerly awaiting its release. Can't wait to see what everyone else is waiting on this week.
Waiting on Wednesday is brought to you by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Soul To Take Trailer
I really, really liked My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent, and I just saw this trailer on another blog, so I thought I would plug it in here and let y'all take a look. I think it captures the book perfectly and there are some supercool and creepy images. I especially like the swirly eye thing, since that's a big part of the story. Check it out!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dead Is So Last Year by Marlene Perez

Release Date: Available Now from Graphia
Something very strange starts happening in Nightshade the summer that the eldest Giordano sister, Rose, gets a job working at Dr. Franken's research laboratory. People are starting to see double. Doppelgängers of Nightshade residents are popping up all over town. Daisy, Rose and Poppy think it's a coincidence, until the rumors start that their father, who disappeared several years ago, has been spotted in town. Meanwhile, Daisy's beau, Ryan is spending all of his time training for football, and like the other guys on the team, he's grown enormous almost overnight. Samantha Devereux's boyfriend's neck has doubled in size since school ended. Could the football players be resorting to extreme measures to win? Between summer jobs, sugar rushes, and beach parties, the Giordano girls get to the bottom of these mysteries and more.
This is the third book in "Dead" series by Marlene Perez. I reviewed the first book, Dead is the New Black ,here and the second, Dead is a State of Mind, here. I really enjoy this series and this third book certainly did not disappoint.
The Giordano sisters are fantastic and it is a joy to enter their wacky world yet again. This time, each of the girls is working a summer job and dealing with their own dramas, while trying to solve the mystery of their fathers return. What's the mystery? Is the weird stranger actually dear old dad.
And while they're at it, might as well add in the mystery of the rapidly growing football team. Suddenly the guys are sprouting new muscles and nasty attitudes and it's up to, you guessed it, the ladies Giordano to crack the case.
These books are so much fun. They're always quick reads and are full of colorful characters and snappy dialogue. According to Marlene's website, there are two more Dead novels headed our way. Dead is Just a Rumor coming in Fall 2010 and Dead is Not an Option coming in Spring of 2011. It's so nice to actually be caught up on a series and know that there is more on the way. These days I always seems to be at least one book behind.
I highly recommend this series. They're just good ol'fashioned supernatural fun.
By the way, I just noticed that this is my 201st post. I can't believe it. They've gone by so quickly. Thanks to everyone for reading and here's to 201 more.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
In My Mailbox (23)
As always, In My Mailbox is brought to you by Kristi, AKA The Story Siren. Seeing what she got in her mailbox is one of the highlights of my week, so go check it out.
I got a few books in the mail this week, so let's get started:
For review:
Rough Magic by Caryl Cude Mullin

Release Date: Oct. 1, 2009 from Second Story Press
Follow the interwoven stories of two girls and one woman, their lives all tied to the enigmatic figure of Caliban, the character first introduced by Shakespeare in The Tempest, his famous play of love, loyalty, and magic. Caliban is the strange, half-wild man Prospero and Miranda discovered on an island after being shipwrecked. Rough Magic forms both prequel and sequel, telling the stories of the sorceress Sycorax, Caliban's mother; Miranda's daughter Chiara, who becomes like a daughter to Caliban; and Calypso, a magical young woman with ties to them all. All three must fight against a world that sees magic as evil and uses women as political pawns. Finally, it is the island and its power that draws them all back, demanding amends from the humans who have exploited its natural wonders. A spellbinding story that combines an old-fashioned tale of dragons, shipwrecks, adventure, and sacrifice, with an inspiring message of the earth's power and our environmental responsibility.
From Contest:
Airhead by Meg Cabot
I won this from Willowe at Readings of a Teenage Tree. Thanks Willowe!!!
Purchased from Amazon:
Faery Rebels by R.J. Anderson
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!! I got my copy of Shiver!! I am sooooo completely excited for this one and it's so shiny and new and pretty. I must shout YAY repeatedly.
So, that's it for me this week. Yet another relatively slow week, but that's a-okay, because I am super busy getting ready for my new job and I have a ton of books to read already.
Can't wait to see what everyone else got this week.
I got a few books in the mail this week, so let's get started:
For review:
Rough Magic by Caryl Cude Mullin
Release Date: Oct. 1, 2009 from Second Story Press
Follow the interwoven stories of two girls and one woman, their lives all tied to the enigmatic figure of Caliban, the character first introduced by Shakespeare in The Tempest, his famous play of love, loyalty, and magic. Caliban is the strange, half-wild man Prospero and Miranda discovered on an island after being shipwrecked. Rough Magic forms both prequel and sequel, telling the stories of the sorceress Sycorax, Caliban's mother; Miranda's daughter Chiara, who becomes like a daughter to Caliban; and Calypso, a magical young woman with ties to them all. All three must fight against a world that sees magic as evil and uses women as political pawns. Finally, it is the island and its power that draws them all back, demanding amends from the humans who have exploited its natural wonders. A spellbinding story that combines an old-fashioned tale of dragons, shipwrecks, adventure, and sacrifice, with an inspiring message of the earth's power and our environmental responsibility.
From Contest:
Airhead by Meg Cabot
I won this from Willowe at Readings of a Teenage Tree. Thanks Willowe!!!
Purchased from Amazon:
Faery Rebels by R.J. Anderson
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!! I got my copy of Shiver!! I am sooooo completely excited for this one and it's so shiny and new and pretty. I must shout YAY repeatedly.
So, that's it for me this week. Yet another relatively slow week, but that's a-okay, because I am super busy getting ready for my new job and I have a ton of books to read already.
Can't wait to see what everyone else got this week.
Friday, July 24, 2009
My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent

Release Date: August 1, 2009 from Harlequin Teen, although it's already on the shelves at my local B&N and is available from Amazon.
She doesn't see dead people, but…
She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next…
This is the first release from Harlequin Teen's new line and if it is any indication of what they have coming up, I will be doing a lot of Harlequin reading in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was fast-paced, exciting, and put a new spin on the supernatural thriller.
Kaylee is a great character. She's an average girl, very likable and interesting, with one great big secret. I don't want to give anything away, but Kaylee is a supernatural creature that we don't hear a lot about in YA. Vincent perfectly shows Kaylee's struggle as she discovers her own powers and this new world that has been opened up before her eyes. I love the fact that Vincent has given me a whole new creature to read about. I love vampires and werewolves as much as the next girl, but sometimes I need a little change.
I just really enjoyed this book. It had a little bit of everything I was looking for. There's a little romance, a little mystery, and it's ripe for a sequel. I will be eagerly awaiting the second book in the series, My Soul To Save, which comes out early next year. Great new book, great new series, beautiful cover, and an amazing addition to anyone's bookshelf. Check it out!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert

Release Date: Available Now from MTV Books
Kara hasn't been back to Oak Park since the end of junior year, when a heroin overdose nearly killed her and sirens heralded her exit. Four years later, she returns to face the music. Her life changed forever back in high school: her family disintegrated, she ran around with a whole new crowd of friends, she partied a little too hard, and she fell in love with gorgeous bad-boy Adrian, who left her to die that day in Scoville Park....
Amid the music, the booze, the drugs, and the drama, her friends filled a notebook with heartbreakingly honest confessions of the moments that defined and shattered their young lives. Now, finally, Kara is ready to write her own.
I loved Kuehnert's first book, I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone, which I reviewed here, so I was very excited for this one and I was in no way disappointed. Ballads of Suburbia is a fantastic book and one that will stay with me for a long time to come.
I graduated from a Midwestern high school in the nineties. I'm a couple years older than the kids in this book are, but for the most part, they are of my generation. The music mentioned in this book is the same stuff I was listening to at the time and am still listening to today. Kuehnert's work transports me to another time and I can't get enough of it.
Her writing is incredibly powerful and each separate "ballad" in the book captures that power. Each of these vivid character studies link seamlessly together to tell the story of not just this group of lost souls, but of an entire generation. At the heart of the story is Kara, who without knowing it, really holds the group together. As she starts to lost touch, we see her world crumbling around her and we are powerless to stop it.
Ballads perfectly portrays that slippery slope of adolescence. It's so easy to lose your way when everything and everyone around you is changing so rapidly. Often as teenagers, I think there's this fear that if we don't catch up, we'll be passed by, at least that's how I felt in high school. This was just a really moving book and at its heart it is very hopeful and optimistic.
It seems really bold to call someone the voice of a generation, but that's how I see Kuehnert. I may not have shared the experiences of the characters in the book, but I recognize their journey and their voices. Stephanie Kuehnert is amazing and I will gladly read anything she writes from here on out.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Geektastic Contest!!!!

Hello all, back again with another awesome contest!!! This one is thanks to the fine folks at Little, Brown who have offered me 3, count them 3, copies of Geektastic to give to 3 lucky winners. Here's the info on the book, which I already own and must read very soon.
Acclaimed authors Holly Black (Ironside)and Cecil Castellucci (Boy Proof) have united in geekdom to edit short stories from some of the best selling and most promising geeks in young adult literature: M.T. Anderson, Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Tracy Lynn, Cynthia and Greg Leitich Smith, David Levithan, Kelly Link, Barry Lyga, Wendy Mass, Garth Nix, Scott Westerfield, Lisa Yee, and Sara Zarr.
With illustrated interstitials from comic book artists Hope Larson and Bryan Lee O'Malley, Geektastic covers all things geeky, from Klingons and Jedi Knights to fan fiction, theater geeks, and cosplayers. Whether you're a former, current, or future geek, or if you just want to get in touch with your inner geek, Geektastic will help you get your geek on!
So, there you have it. Ummmm.....they had me at Holly Black, actually they had me at the title, but then they threw in Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci and Cassandra Clare and Libbra Bray and on and on and on and I am most definitely there. Plus, I am always willing to get my geek on.
So if you would like a chance to win 1 of 3 copies of Geektastic here's how to enter:
+1 for commenting with your e-mail address
+1 for becoming a follower
+2 if you are already a follower
+1 for blogging about my contest, please include a link
+1 for adding me to your blogroll
+1 for following me on Twitter (can't promise I'll say too many interesting things, but I will keep you up to date on my reading)
Contest ends August 6th, which is when I have to report for the first time officially as a teacher/librarian to my new job. YAY!!!! Contests and new jobs, what's not to love?!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday (25)--The Cupcake Queen by Heather Hepler

Release Date: September 17, 2009 from Dutton Juvenile
A confection of a novel, combining big city sophistication with small town charm.
When her mother moves them from the city to a small town to open up a cupcake bakery, Penny’s life isn’t what she expected. Her father has stayed behind, and Mom isn’t talking about what the future holds for their family. And then there’s Charity, the girl who plays mean pranks almost daily. There are also bright spots in Hog’s Hollow—like Tally, an expert in Rock Paper Scissors, and Marcus, the boy who is always running on the beach. But just when it looks as though Penny is settling in, her parents ask her to make a choice that will turn everything upside down again. A sweet novel about love, creativity, and accepting life’s unexpected turns.
I've seen this one on a few blogs here and there, and that delish cover always catches my eye. I can't seem to look away from those cupcakes. Not to mention, Heather Hepler is one half of the writing team that brought you Dream Factory, which I loved in all its Disneyesque glory. Needless to say, I can't wait for this one, although I think I'm gaining weight just looking at the cover.
Waiting on Wednesday is brought to you by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.
The Hollow by Jessica Verday--Trailer!!!
Hey check out this beauty of a trailer for The Hollow, which is one of my most anticipated books of the fall. Looks realllllly good.
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

Release Date: Available Now from Hyperion
Before he knew about the Roses, 16-year-old Jack lived an unremarkable life in the small Ohio town of Trinity. Only the medicine he has to take daily and the thick scar above his heart set him apart from the other high-schoolers. Then one day Jack skips his medicine. Suddenly, he is stronger, fiercer, and more confident than ever before. And it feels great until he loses control of his own strength and nearly kills another player during soccer team tryouts. Soon, Jack learns the startling truth about himself: He is Weirlind; part of an underground society of magical people who live among us. At the head of this magical society sit the feuding houses of the Red Rose and the White Rose, whose power is determined by playing The Game a magical tournament in which each house sponsors a warrior to fight to the death. The winning house rules the Weir. As if his bizarre magical heritage isn’t enough, Jack finds out that he’s not just another member of Weirlind he’s one of the last of the warriors at a time when both houses are scouting for a player. Jack’s performance on the soccer field has alerted the entire magical community to the fact that he’s in Trinity. And until one of the houses is declared Jack’s official sponsor, they’ll stop at nothing to get Jack to fight for them.
I have two work friends to thank for this one. That's one thing I'll miss about being at the bookstore; almost all of my co-workers could be counted on to suggest a good read. I was most definitely not disappointed in this suggestion. I think I strayed away from it for so long, because honestly, I wasn't really drawn in by the cover. I know, I know, we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but sometimes I just can't help it. When I glanced at this on the shelf daily, it just didn't catch my fancy. That'll show me.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Warrior Heir. I was immediately swept up into this very believable place, where magic coexists with the everyday world. I love that idea and I never really get tired of it. It's nice to think that there's real magic out there just waiting for us all.
Jack's life takes a drastic turn as he finds out the he is in fact, Weirlind, part of a very real magical society. Born a wizard, but made a warrior, Jack must face the dark and scary path he has been sent upon since birth. Two sides are fighting over him and will go to any means, including murder to keep him from going to the other side.
This is just a compulsively readable book. Jack is a fantastic character and I love the people who surround him throughout the story. His friends Will and Fitch are fantastic as is Ellen, the girl who is as mysterious as Jack. From the beginning, it's hard to know who to trust in this story, but that's half the fun. We get to discover friend and foe right along with Jack. I loved being along for the ride.
I already bought the other two books in this series and I'm chomping at the bit to get to them. Chima also has a new book, The Demon King, coming out in October, which will start a whole new series. Can't wait to read more from this exceptional author.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
In My Mailbox (22)
Another slooooooow week in my little ol' mailbox. The books have ceased rollin' in lately, but that's okay, because I still have lots and lots to read and review. As always, In My Mailbox is brought to you by Kristi, AKA The Story Siren.
Only two books this week:
ARC I picked up at work (last week, so I grabbed it):
Peter & Max: A Fables Novel by Bill Willingham

Release Date: October 13, 2009 from Vertigo
A new stand-alone FABLES NOVEL from award-winning and wildly acclaimed author, Bill Willingham.
This story stars Peter Piper and his incorrigible brother Max in a tale about jealousy, betrayal and revenge. Set in two distinct time periods, prepare to travel back to medieval times and learn the tragic back-story of the Piper family, a medieval-era family of traveling minstrels. Then, jump into the present to follow a tale of espionage as Peter Piper slowly hunts down his evil brother for a heinous crime, pitting Peter's talents as a master thief against Max's dark magical powers.
Based on the long-running and award-winning comic book series FABLES, PETER AND MAX is its own tale. Readers don't have to be familiar with the comics to fully enjoy and understand this book.
I love the comic book Fables, so I was super psyched when this showed up at work. It's the first "prose" novel being released by Vertigo/DC Comics, so yay!! Looks great. I highly recommend the comics for anyone who is interested. They are fantastic.
Breathers by S.G. Browne

Release Date: Available Now from Broadway Books
For fans of Max Brooks’s The Zombie Survival Guide and zombie aficionados everywhere, a hilarious debut novel about life (and love) after death.
Meet Andy Warner, a recently deceased everyman and newly minted zombie. Resented by his parents, abandoned by his friends, and reviled by a society that no longer considers him human, Andy is having a bit of trouble adjusting to his new existence. But all that changes when he goes to an Undead Anonymous meeting and finds kindred souls in Rita, an impossibly sexy recent suicide with a taste for the formaldehyde in cosmetic products, and Jerry, a twenty-one-year-old car-crash victim with an exposed brain and a penchant for Renaissance pornography. When the group meets a rogue zombie who teaches them the joys of human flesh, things start to get messy, and Andy embarks on a journey of self-discovery that will take him from his casket to the SPCA to a media-driven class-action lawsuit on behalf of the rights of zombies everywhere.
Darkly funny, surprisingly touching, and gory enough to satisfy even the most discerning reader, Breathers is a romantic zombie comedy (rom-zom-com, for short) that will leave you laughing, squirming, and clamoring for more.
I received this one from Velvet at vvb32 reads, for the September Zombies Week she created and I, along with a few other zombie-loving bloggers are taking part in. Thanks so much Velvet and she also sent me an awesome zombie sticker that says "Zombies are People Too," which I totally agree with. I'll be reading this one to review during our Zombie spectacular, so stay tuned for more with the deliciously undead.
That's it for me this week. Sorry this is late, but I've been busy with my last day at Barnes & Noble celebrations, lunch with my grandparents today, and reading Ballads of Suburbia. I promise to have a review of something up sometime tomorrow.
Have a great night!!
Only two books this week:
ARC I picked up at work (last week, so I grabbed it):
Peter & Max: A Fables Novel by Bill Willingham
Release Date: October 13, 2009 from Vertigo
A new stand-alone FABLES NOVEL from award-winning and wildly acclaimed author, Bill Willingham.
This story stars Peter Piper and his incorrigible brother Max in a tale about jealousy, betrayal and revenge. Set in two distinct time periods, prepare to travel back to medieval times and learn the tragic back-story of the Piper family, a medieval-era family of traveling minstrels. Then, jump into the present to follow a tale of espionage as Peter Piper slowly hunts down his evil brother for a heinous crime, pitting Peter's talents as a master thief against Max's dark magical powers.
Based on the long-running and award-winning comic book series FABLES, PETER AND MAX is its own tale. Readers don't have to be familiar with the comics to fully enjoy and understand this book.
I love the comic book Fables, so I was super psyched when this showed up at work. It's the first "prose" novel being released by Vertigo/DC Comics, so yay!! Looks great. I highly recommend the comics for anyone who is interested. They are fantastic.
Breathers by S.G. Browne

Release Date: Available Now from Broadway Books
For fans of Max Brooks’s The Zombie Survival Guide and zombie aficionados everywhere, a hilarious debut novel about life (and love) after death.
Meet Andy Warner, a recently deceased everyman and newly minted zombie. Resented by his parents, abandoned by his friends, and reviled by a society that no longer considers him human, Andy is having a bit of trouble adjusting to his new existence. But all that changes when he goes to an Undead Anonymous meeting and finds kindred souls in Rita, an impossibly sexy recent suicide with a taste for the formaldehyde in cosmetic products, and Jerry, a twenty-one-year-old car-crash victim with an exposed brain and a penchant for Renaissance pornography. When the group meets a rogue zombie who teaches them the joys of human flesh, things start to get messy, and Andy embarks on a journey of self-discovery that will take him from his casket to the SPCA to a media-driven class-action lawsuit on behalf of the rights of zombies everywhere.
Darkly funny, surprisingly touching, and gory enough to satisfy even the most discerning reader, Breathers is a romantic zombie comedy (rom-zom-com, for short) that will leave you laughing, squirming, and clamoring for more.
I received this one from Velvet at vvb32 reads, for the September Zombies Week she created and I, along with a few other zombie-loving bloggers are taking part in. Thanks so much Velvet and she also sent me an awesome zombie sticker that says "Zombies are People Too," which I totally agree with. I'll be reading this one to review during our Zombie spectacular, so stay tuned for more with the deliciously undead.
That's it for me this week. Sorry this is late, but I've been busy with my last day at Barnes & Noble celebrations, lunch with my grandparents today, and reading Ballads of Suburbia. I promise to have a review of something up sometime tomorrow.
Have a great night!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Help me people!!

So tomorrow is my last day working at B&N where I have worked since time began, at least it feels like it. I wasn't planning on buying many books, but now I'm having that last minute must use my discount madness running through my brain. I'm getting two picture books to use in my new library.
Then I'm buying a finished copy of POTS, of course, but what else should I pick up. Is The Stolen One really good?! It looks good. Also Secrets of Truth and Beauty looks good. What do you think?! Anything else. Help me spend some money I shouldn't spend.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Sweetheart of Prosper County by Jill S. Alexander

Release Date: September 1, 2009 from Feiwel and Friends
Almost-15-year-old Austin Gray is tired of standing at the curb and watching the parade pass her by. Literally. She decides this is the year she’ll ride on the hood of a shiny pickup truck in the annual parade, waving to the crowd and finally showing the town bully that she’s got what it takes to be the Sweetheart of Prosper County.
But far from simply being a beauty contest, becoming Sweetheart involves participation in the Future Farmers of America (FFA), raising an animal, and hunting or fishing. Austin will do almost anything to become Sweetheart, and has the support of her oldest friend, Maribel, her new FFA friends (including the reigning Sweetheart, and a quiet, cute cowboy), an evangelical Elvis impersonator, a mysterious Cajun outcast, and a rooster named Charles Dickens. If only her momma would stop overprotecting her, and start letting Austin live her own life. But Austin can’t move on until Momma moves on, too—and lets the grief of losing Austin’s daddy several years before out into the open.
Here is a bighearted story that will leave readers agreeing with Austin that sometimes, it’s not what you ride, it’s how you roll.
This book is made of heart. It's a great read that just made me feel really good from the inside out. I dare anyone to read this and not instantly fall in love with Austin and her ragtag group of friends from Maribel to her FFA pals, they are all just lovable and real characters.
One of the biggest stars of the show is the state of Texas itself. Here's one of my fave descriptions from the book, "Texas is a truly wide-open space with roads--paved and unpaved, red dirt and blacktop--spidering out from old downtown squares. Momma could just set out. Lose herself on the lost highways." (taken from ARC) I've spent quite a bit of time traveling in Texas and this book captures it perfectly. I love the small town feel that the writing portrays.
Austin and her mother are two lost souls. Since the death of her father, they are having a hard enough time keeping it together, but Austin must also deal with the ridicule of one very cruel bully at school. She yearns to be a part of that parade and to finally stand up and move on with her life, not only for herself, but for her mother as well. Much of that healing comes with help from a certain rooster named Charles Dickens, who is probably one of my favorite supporting animal characters of all time.
This is a great book about moving on with your life after a loss and about creating your own path along the way. Austin, and all of the inhabitants of Big Wells, will stick with me for a long time. It makes me yearn to wander through small-town Texas for awhile.
Visit Jill S. Alexander here.
Job News!!!

I think a few people know, but for those that don't, I will be starting a new chapter in my life very soon. I got a job as an Elementary Library Media Specialist for a district here in the Kansas City area. I'm very excited, nervous, but excited.
I only have two days more at my bookstore job and then I'll have a small break before I start new teacher training on the 30th. It's a new experience and a little scary because I've been at the bookstore for soooooo long. But I will finally get to put some of my library training to good use. I think I'll really enjoy sharing my favorite reads with the kids and learning many new things from them.
My sister and I even went shopping at the teacher store today for bulletin board stuff and stickers and whatnot. It's fun to plan and create and I look forward to seeing the finished product. Maybe I'll post some pictures when I get it all ready for school.
I'm hoping my new job will not affect my blogging. I can always schedule posts over the weekend, but it will be new and stressful, plus I will still be taking classes, so I may miss a day or two here and there.
Just wanted you all to know what's happening in my life. It's nice to be starting a "career" rather than just a "job."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday (24)--Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda

Release Date: September 1, 2009 from Hyperion CH
As the youngest and only female member of the Knights Templar, Bilquis SanGreal grew up knowing she wasn't normal. Instead of hanging out at the mall or going on dates, she spends her time training as a soldier in her order's ancient battle against the Unholy.
Billi's cloistered life is blasted apart when her childhood friend, Kay, returns from Jerusalem, gorgeous and with a dangerous chip on his shoulder. He's ready to reclaim his place in Billi's life, but she's met someone new: amber-eyed Michael, who seems to understand her like no one else, effortlessly claiming a stake in her heart.
But the Templars are called to duty before Billi can enjoy the pleasant new twist to her life. One of the order's ancient enemies has resurfaced, searching for a treasure that the Templars have protected for hundreds of years -- a cursed mirror powerful enough to kill all of London's firstborn. To save her city from catastrophe, Billi will have to put her heart aside and make sacrifices greater than any of the Templars could have imagined.
I've heard quite a bit about this book and everything I've heard just makes me want it more and more. It sounds like an incredible read and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Plus, I find the Knights Templar really fascinating. Let's just say, it's definitely on my wishlist.
Sorry this post is a little late today, but I was up 'til all hours seeing Harry Potter, which was amazing and dealing with some family sadness, which was not cool. I'm okay though and blogging through the sad; focusing on the good.
Can't wait to see what everyone else is waiting on. As always, Waiting on Wednesday is brought to you by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
It's almost time!!!

I'm going to the midnight show of Harry Potter with 7 of my most awesome friends!! I can't wait. I actually think I'm getting too old for the midnight show, but it'll be one of the last ones I get to go to for awhile and who can resist the lure of Potter?!
I absolutely cannot wait. It'll be so sad when all the Potter movies have been released. What will I do then? Find something else to obsess over probably. So anyway, my WOW post will most likely come later tomorrow night, because I won't be home 'til around 3 and I work at 10 tomorrow morning. My sleep-deprived self will not be posting tonight.
Any other midnight-movie goers out there?! Have fun!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Suite Scarlett Winners!!!

Without further ado, the winners are:
Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag
Carrie Harris
Debs Desk
Congrats to you all. I've sent an e-mail to all of you, so get back to me as soon as possibly with an address.
Thanks everyone for playing and don't forget my July contest to win a copy of The Hate List (reviewed below) and Beautiful Creatures. You can find the link in my sidebar.
The Hate List by Jennifer Brown

Release Date: September 1, 2009 from Little, Brown Young Readers
Five months ago, Valerie Leftman's boyfriend, Nick, opened fire on their school cafeteria. Shot trying to stop him, Valerie inadvertently saved the life of a classmate, but was implicated in the shootings because of the list she helped create. A list of people and things she and Nick hated. The list he used to pick his targets.
Now, after a summer of seclusion, Val is forced to confront her guilt as she returns to school to complete her senior year. Haunted by the memory of the boyfriend she still loves and navigating rocky relationships with her family, former friends and the girl whose life she saved, Val must come to grips with the tragedy that took place and her role in it, in order to make amends and move on with her life.
I can't begin to tell you what an incredibly powerful read this was for me. Valerie's story is heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. While I was reading the book, I started to realize how easily things can get out of control in the life of a teenager and how quickly something can escalate into violence. With all of the homecoming and prom memories, we tend to block out the bad stuff that happens in High School, but in reality, it can be a traumatic place for many kids.
For me, it was Junior High. I was a total basket case (hormones bah!) and I hated everyone, so I understand Valerie's Hate List and how something trivial can change your life forever.
This book just really moved me. Jennifer Brown captured the mind of a struggling teen perfectly and honestly. It was amazing to see Valerie drag herself out of the darkest time imaginable and start to put her life back together. Valerie's present struggles are interspersed with memories of the school shooting and newspaper clippings about the event, which vividly capture the terror and loss.
I can't recommend this book highly enough. It's an amazing story of loss and forgiveness that will capture you from the first page. It can be a tough read at times and it might make you cry a little, or more than a little, but it's definitely a journey worth taking.
Jennifer Brown is an amazing new voice in YA fiction and I'm not just saying that because she lives in my hometown. I can't wait to see what she writes next.
If you'd like a chance to read The Hate List, you can enter my July contest here.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Prophecy of the Sisters Trailer
It's no secret that I loved Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink. Check out this awesome trailer that Vania from Reverie Book Reviews put together. She took all of these beautiful pictures and then created an amazing book trailer for an equally amazing book. Great job Vania...it's gorgeous and it makes me want to read the book all over again.
Prophecy of the Sisters from Vania S on Vimeo.
In My Mailbox (21)
As always, In My Mailbox is brought to you by Kristi, AKA The Story Siren. She rocks, so you should go check her out.
Another sloooooow week for me. I only got two books in the mail, but I'm looking forward to both of them.
For Review:
The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet by Reif Larson

Release Date: Available Now from Penguin
A brilliant, boundary-leaping debut novel tracing twelve-year-old genius map maker T.S. Spivet's attempts to understand the ways of the world
When twelve-year-old genius cartographer T.S. Spivet receives an unexpected phone call from the Smithsonian announcing he has won the prestigious Baird Award, life as normal—if you consider mapping family dinner table conversation normal—is interrupted and a wild cross-country adventure begins, taking T.S. from his family ranch just north of Divide, Montana, to the museum’s hallowed halls.
T.S. sets out alone, leaving before dawn with a plan to hop a freight train and hobo east. Once aboard, his adventures step into high gear and he meticulously maps, charts, and illustrates his exploits, documenting mythical wormholes in the Midwest, the urban phenomenon of "rims," and the pleasures of McDonald’s, among other things. We come to see the world through T.S.'s eyes and in his thorough investigation of the outside world he also reveals himself.
As he travels away from the ranch and his family we learn how the journey also brings him closer to home. A secret family history found within his luggage tells the story of T.S.'s ancestors and their long-ago passage west, offering profound insight into the family he left behind and his role within it. As T.S. reads he discovers the sometimes shadowy boundary between fact and fiction and realizes that, for all his analytical rigor, the world around him is a mystery.
All that he has learned is tested when he arrives at the capital to claim his prize and is welcomed into science’s inner circle. For all its shine, fame seems more highly valued than ideas in this new world and friends are hard to find.
T.S.'s trip begins at the Copper Top Ranch and the last known place he stands is Washington, D.C., but his journey's movement is far harder to track: How do you map the delicate lessons learned about family and self? How do you depict how it feels to first venture out on your own? Is there a definitive way to communicate the ebbs and tides of heartbreak, loss, loneliness, love? These are the questions that strike at the core of this very special debut.
Everything Sucks by Hannah Friedman

Release Date: August 3, 2009 from Hci Teens
"By my senior year [in high school] I am the chair of the student body and disciplinary committee, coordinator of 3 community service programs, I have a 4.0 GPA, a millionaire boyfriend with a BMW, and finally, for the first time in my entire life, I am considered 'cool.' But when an article of mine about the college admissions process is published in Newsweek, everything I've worked so hard to achieve is pulled out from under me...and I resolve once and for all to stop allowing other people to define me."
Welcome inside the head of 21-year-old Hannah Friedman--a fresh new author whose biting wit and captivating writing style is a cross between bestselling YA author Anne Brashares (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) and the hysterically honest Amy Sedaris (I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence).
Everything Sucks details the teenage years in all of their cringe-worthy absurdity--from getting home schooled in a tour bus with hippie musicians to attending one of New York's most prestigious private schools on full scholarship to developing a drug addiction and eating disorder to nearly getting kicked out of Yale University before she even gets to attend. In the end, it's Friedman's spirit that keeps her afloat.
Received for TLC Book Tour in August.
Books I Purchased:
The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
The Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
Needless to say, I enjoyed The Warrior Heir, so I had to run out today and pick up the next two. I'm not sure when I'll get to them, but, of course, I had to have them.
Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
I can't wait to read this one, but there are many books in front of it, so it'll sit for a little while.
So that's it for me this week. Two slow weeks in a row, but that's okay. I definitely don't have a shortage of things to read.
Can't wait to see what everyone else got this week.
Another sloooooow week for me. I only got two books in the mail, but I'm looking forward to both of them.
For Review:
The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet by Reif Larson

Release Date: Available Now from Penguin
A brilliant, boundary-leaping debut novel tracing twelve-year-old genius map maker T.S. Spivet's attempts to understand the ways of the world
When twelve-year-old genius cartographer T.S. Spivet receives an unexpected phone call from the Smithsonian announcing he has won the prestigious Baird Award, life as normal—if you consider mapping family dinner table conversation normal—is interrupted and a wild cross-country adventure begins, taking T.S. from his family ranch just north of Divide, Montana, to the museum’s hallowed halls.
T.S. sets out alone, leaving before dawn with a plan to hop a freight train and hobo east. Once aboard, his adventures step into high gear and he meticulously maps, charts, and illustrates his exploits, documenting mythical wormholes in the Midwest, the urban phenomenon of "rims," and the pleasures of McDonald’s, among other things. We come to see the world through T.S.'s eyes and in his thorough investigation of the outside world he also reveals himself.
As he travels away from the ranch and his family we learn how the journey also brings him closer to home. A secret family history found within his luggage tells the story of T.S.'s ancestors and their long-ago passage west, offering profound insight into the family he left behind and his role within it. As T.S. reads he discovers the sometimes shadowy boundary between fact and fiction and realizes that, for all his analytical rigor, the world around him is a mystery.
All that he has learned is tested when he arrives at the capital to claim his prize and is welcomed into science’s inner circle. For all its shine, fame seems more highly valued than ideas in this new world and friends are hard to find.
T.S.'s trip begins at the Copper Top Ranch and the last known place he stands is Washington, D.C., but his journey's movement is far harder to track: How do you map the delicate lessons learned about family and self? How do you depict how it feels to first venture out on your own? Is there a definitive way to communicate the ebbs and tides of heartbreak, loss, loneliness, love? These are the questions that strike at the core of this very special debut.
Everything Sucks by Hannah Friedman

Release Date: August 3, 2009 from Hci Teens
"By my senior year [in high school] I am the chair of the student body and disciplinary committee, coordinator of 3 community service programs, I have a 4.0 GPA, a millionaire boyfriend with a BMW, and finally, for the first time in my entire life, I am considered 'cool.' But when an article of mine about the college admissions process is published in Newsweek, everything I've worked so hard to achieve is pulled out from under me...and I resolve once and for all to stop allowing other people to define me."
Welcome inside the head of 21-year-old Hannah Friedman--a fresh new author whose biting wit and captivating writing style is a cross between bestselling YA author Anne Brashares (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) and the hysterically honest Amy Sedaris (I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence).
Everything Sucks details the teenage years in all of their cringe-worthy absurdity--from getting home schooled in a tour bus with hippie musicians to attending one of New York's most prestigious private schools on full scholarship to developing a drug addiction and eating disorder to nearly getting kicked out of Yale University before she even gets to attend. In the end, it's Friedman's spirit that keeps her afloat.
Received for TLC Book Tour in August.
Books I Purchased:
The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
The Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
Needless to say, I enjoyed The Warrior Heir, so I had to run out today and pick up the next two. I'm not sure when I'll get to them, but, of course, I had to have them.
Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
I can't wait to read this one, but there are many books in front of it, so it'll sit for a little while.
So that's it for me this week. Two slow weeks in a row, but that's okay. I definitely don't have a shortage of things to read.
Can't wait to see what everyone else got this week.
Contest Reminder!!!

My contest to win 1 of 5 copies of Suite Scarlett ends Monday, so hurry up and enter while you still can.
You can find the contest here.
Thanks everyone for entering and good luck!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
My Soul to Lose by Rachel Vincent

Available Now in eBook form Free from eHarlequin
It was supposed to be a fun day, shopping at the mall with her best friend. Then the panic attack started and Kaylee Cavanaugh finds herself screaming, unable to stop. Her secret fears are exposed and it's the worst day of her life.
Until she wakes up in the psychiatric unit.
She tries to convince everyone she's fine--despite the shadows she sees forming around another patient and the urge to scream which comes burbling up again and again. Everyone thinks she's crazy. Everyone except Lydia, that is. Another patient with some special abilities....
An eBook exclusive prequel to Rachel Vincent's SOUL SCREAMERS series.
I received the ARC of My Soul to Take awhile ago and I'm planning on reading it next, so I figured I should check out this prequel first. The fact that it's totally free right now helped quite a lot. I don't usually like to read books on my computer, but this one is definitely worth the effort.
It's only about 70 pages, but it's a great, quick read. I am so ready to finish The Warrior Heir now (it's fantastic), so that I can move onto My Soul to Take. Kaylee is a wonderful character and I can't wait to see where Vincent takes her next.
You should definitely download the ebook and give it a try. You won't be disappointed.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Check out this little piece of AWESOME!!!
Sorry for the cut-offyness. My layout does not like widescreen apparently. Now I'm going to go back to watching Buffy Season 7 and reading The Warrior Heir.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

"I can steal anything."
After Gen's bragging lands him in the king's prison, the chances of escape look slim. Then the king's scholar, the Magus, needs the thief's skill for a seemingly impossible task — to steal a hidden treasure from another land.
To the Magus, Gen is just a tool. But Gen is a trickster and a survivor with a plan of his own.
This is the first book in Turner's Queen's Thief series. A friend of mine told me years ago how good this book was. I bought a copy and there it sat on my shelf until recently. Turner is releasing a fourth book in this series and I've seen it mentioned on quite a few blogs lately, so I figured it was finally time to give it a try.
It took me a chapter or two to get into it, but once I did, I couldn't stop reading. Gen is a fascinating character and his relationships with the Magus and his apprentices is incredible captivating. The dialogue is wonderful and truly captures all of the tense moments between these characters.
There are a ton of twists and turns, which means you really have to pay attention. I caught myself glancing back at pages to catch things I'd missed. At no point do you know who to trust and that only adds to the desire to keep those pages turning.
I can totally see why so many people are excited for the new book. I went right out and bought the second in the series, The Queen of Attolia. Of course, it'll take me awhile to get to it, but once I do, I know I'll love it. I have to thank my friend Meghan for making me buy this oh so many years ago. Thanks Meghan and you were right!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday (23)--Awesomeness Grab Bag!!
Okay, so I'm indecisive and I couldn't pick just one, so here are three books that I am drooling over this week.

Scones and Sensibility by Lindsay Eland
Release Date: December 22, 2009 from EgmontUSA
Polly Madassa is convinced she was born for a more romantic time. A time when Elizabeth Bennet and Anne of Green Gables walked along the moors and beaches of the beautiful land, a time where a distinguished gentleman called upon a lady of quality and true love was born in the locked eyes of two young lovers.
But alas, she was not.
This, however, does not stop our young heroine from finding romance wherever she can conjure it up. So while Polly is burdened with a summer job of delivering baked goods from her parents bakery (how quaint!) to the people in her small beach town, she finds a way to force…um…encourage romance to blossom. She is determined to bring lovers, young and old, together…whether they want to be or not.
I think this looks adorable and I love the cover.

Epitaph Road by David Patneaude
Release Date: Spring 2010 from EgmontUSA
In 2097—thirty years after a powerful virus wiped out 97 percent of the male population—a new world order has emerged. With women at the helm of every leadership position, Earth has entered a virtual utopia. The ills of society, including poverty, crime, war, and hunger, have all ended.
But when a rumored outbreak of the virus threatens the remote fishing community where his father lives, fourteen-year-old Kellen must warn him of the coming danger. During his desperate race to find his dad, Kellen uncovers a secret so frightening that the world’s new golden age will never be the same.
A fast-paced, post-apocalyptic thriller, Epitaph Road is an exciting and fresh new entry in this best-selling genre.
Um...you had me at "powerful virus" and then you cemented the deal with "post-apocalyptic thriller." How could I resist?! It's music to my ears. Sounds AMAZING!!

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Release Date: October 6, 2009 from Delacorte Books for Young Readers
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.
Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift.
Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers.
Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.
I know right?! Sounds incredible and I can't wait. So much awesomeness is headed our way that I can hardly contain myself.
I would be eternally grateful if any wonderful book gods in the guise of publishers/publicists would like to send one of these books my way. They are all high up on my wishlist and are causing me lots of need-these-books sleepless nights. Just an idea.
As always Waiting on Wednesday is brought to you by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. Can't wait to see what everyone else is waiting on.

Scones and Sensibility by Lindsay Eland
Release Date: December 22, 2009 from EgmontUSA
Polly Madassa is convinced she was born for a more romantic time. A time when Elizabeth Bennet and Anne of Green Gables walked along the moors and beaches of the beautiful land, a time where a distinguished gentleman called upon a lady of quality and true love was born in the locked eyes of two young lovers.
But alas, she was not.
This, however, does not stop our young heroine from finding romance wherever she can conjure it up. So while Polly is burdened with a summer job of delivering baked goods from her parents bakery (how quaint!) to the people in her small beach town, she finds a way to force…um…encourage romance to blossom. She is determined to bring lovers, young and old, together…whether they want to be or not.
I think this looks adorable and I love the cover.

Epitaph Road by David Patneaude
Release Date: Spring 2010 from EgmontUSA
In 2097—thirty years after a powerful virus wiped out 97 percent of the male population—a new world order has emerged. With women at the helm of every leadership position, Earth has entered a virtual utopia. The ills of society, including poverty, crime, war, and hunger, have all ended.
But when a rumored outbreak of the virus threatens the remote fishing community where his father lives, fourteen-year-old Kellen must warn him of the coming danger. During his desperate race to find his dad, Kellen uncovers a secret so frightening that the world’s new golden age will never be the same.
A fast-paced, post-apocalyptic thriller, Epitaph Road is an exciting and fresh new entry in this best-selling genre.
Um...you had me at "powerful virus" and then you cemented the deal with "post-apocalyptic thriller." How could I resist?! It's music to my ears. Sounds AMAZING!!

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Release Date: October 6, 2009 from Delacorte Books for Young Readers
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.
Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift.
Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers.
Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.
I know right?! Sounds incredible and I can't wait. So much awesomeness is headed our way that I can hardly contain myself.
I would be eternally grateful if any wonderful book gods in the guise of publishers/publicists would like to send one of these books my way. They are all high up on my wishlist and are causing me lots of need-these-books sleepless nights. Just an idea.
As always Waiting on Wednesday is brought to you by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. Can't wait to see what everyone else is waiting on.
Prophecy of the Sisters---Buy It Now!!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the amazing Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink is In Stock at Amazon and ready to ship.
It's a great book and if you'd like you can check out my review here.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ghostgirl: Homecoming by Tonya Hurley

Release Date: Available Now!!! From Little, Brown Young Readers
Heaven couldn't be a phone bank, could it?
Charlotte Usher discovers that the afterlife isn't quite what she pictured when she's forced to intern at a hotline for troubled teens. Before she can officially cross over, she'll have to be a source of guidance for one such teen. The problem is she doesn't have much advice to offer since dying hasn't exactly boosted her confidence level.
But when Hawthorne High's leading, love-to-hate cheerleader Petula and her gothic little sis' Scarlet find themselves suddenly resting-in-peace in comas, Charlotte's opportunity to save them will prove to be the risk of a lifetime-for all of them.
I read quite a few reviews that said that this second book wasn't as good as the first, but I don't agree. I really liked this one. It captured the fun and heart of the first book, while introducing some cool new ideas about the afterlife.
Most of your favorite characters are back for more and a few new ones are introduced as well. Charlotte has moved on, but the great unknown isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's more boring than high school and she finds herself missing her old friend Scarlett.
Meanwhile, Scarlett is fighting battles of her own, namely her just-might-be-ending relationship with boyfriend Damen. When Scarlett's mean queen sister Petula has her own near-death experience, Scarlett is forced to go into the everafter to find Charlotte and save her sister.
I for one hope Hurley keeps the Ghostgirl books coming. They are tons of fun and I love her witty, sarcastic characters and her inventive look at life after death. They read really quickly and are full of very cool illustrations. I can't help but turn the pages late into the night.
Looking forward to a third book.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Release Date: December 1, 2009 from Little, Brown Young Readers
There were no surprises in Gatlin County.
We were pretty much the epicenter of the middle of nowhere.
At least, that's what I thought.
Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.
Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.
Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.
In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.
There's been a lot of talk and hype surrounding this title and let me tell you it's worth all of the hype and then some. I loved this book, and when I say loved, I mean permanent-spot-on-my-bookshelf-read-again-and-again kind of love. It's a phenomenal novel that begins what I know will be an incredible series.
First of all, I love a good Southern Gothic tale. In fact, I love just about anything set in the south. All of the history and mystery associated with the south is in this book. It's beautifully written and the storytelling is so rich that it pulls you in immediately, so that you feel like a part of the events. It's also full of amazing imagery that really captures the heart of the south. It makes me want to hop in my car and just head in a southward direction for hours.
As for the characters, Ethan is so real and he's got almost a Lloyd Dobler thing going on that I couldn't help but fall in love with. All of the supporting characters are fascinating as well, from the Aunts and Amma to Macon, I just thoroughly enjoyed reading about all of them. Plus any book that has an awesome librarian in it is worth reading just for that.
And then there's Lena, who has to be one of the coolest girls I've come across in YA literature. I totally wanna be a Caster girl. I mean, I love Twilight as much as the next girl, but Lena could totally kick Bella's butt.
Basically, if you couldn't tell, I love Beautiful Creatures. It was so much fun to read and I loved getting lost in its pages. We have a long wait until it hits shelves, but it's so worth the wait. I think and I hope it's going to be a huge success. I can't wait to see it take off, so others can fall in love with it like I did. Now I just have to wait for the sequel.
If you'd like your own copy of the ARC to read well before the release date, enter my contest here.
If I haven't piqued your interest enough, take a look at this awesome trailer.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
In My Mailbox (20)
As always, In My Mailbox is brought to you by Kristi, AKA awesome, AKA The Story Siren. Go check her blog out; it is the tops.
Only two books in my mailbox this week, but that's okay. Slow weeks can be good too.
For Review:
Ruined by Paula Morris

Release Date: August 1, 2009 from Point (Scholastic)
Rebecca couldn't feel more out of place in New Orleans, where she comes to spend the year while her dad is traveling. She's staying in a creepy old house with her aunt. And at the snooty prep school, the filthy-rich girls treat Rebecca like she's invisible. Only gorgeous, unavailable Anton Grey seems to give Rebecca the time of day, but she wonders if he's got a hidden agenda. Then one night, in Lafayette Cemetery, Rebecca makes a friend. Sweet, mysterious Lisette is eager to talk to Rebecca, and to show her the nooks and crannies of the city. There's just one catch: Lisette is a ghost. A ghost with a deep, dark secret, and a serious score to settle. As Rebecca learns more from her ghost friend - and as she slowly learns to trust Anton Grey-she also uncovers startling truths about her own history. Will Rebecca be able to right the wrongs of the past, or has everything been ruined beyond repair?
This was a WOW pick for me, so I am so glad to finally have it in my hot little hands. I'm really looking forward to reading this one.
L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad

Release Date: Available Now from HarperTeen!!
Los Angeles is all about the sweet life: hot clubs, cute guys, designer . . . everything. Nineteen-year-old Jane Roberts can't wait to start living it up. She may be in L.A. for an internship, but Jane plans to play as hard as she works, and has enlisted her BFF Scarlett to join in the fun.
When Jane and Scarlett are approached by a producer who wants them to be on his new series, a "reality version of Sex and the City," they can hardly believe their luck. Their own show? Yes, please!
Soon Jane is TV's hottest star. Fame brings more than she ever imagined possible for a girl from Santa Barbara—free designer clothes, the choicest tables at the most exclusive clubs, invites to Hollywood premieres—and she's lapping up the VIP treatment with her eclectic entourage of new pals. But those same friends who are always up for a wild night are also out for a piece of Jane's spotlight.
In a city filled with people chasing after their dreams, it's not long before Jane wakes up to the reality that everyone wants something from her, and nothing is what it seems to be.
L.A. Candy is a deliciously entertaining novel about what it's like to come of age in Hollywood while starring in a reality TV show, written by a girl who has experienced it all firsthand: Lauren Conrad.
I just couldn't resist. It's too wonderful to pass up and I've heard some pretty good things about it.
That's it for me this week. Can't wait to see what everyone else got.
Only two books in my mailbox this week, but that's okay. Slow weeks can be good too.
For Review:
Ruined by Paula Morris

Release Date: August 1, 2009 from Point (Scholastic)
Rebecca couldn't feel more out of place in New Orleans, where she comes to spend the year while her dad is traveling. She's staying in a creepy old house with her aunt. And at the snooty prep school, the filthy-rich girls treat Rebecca like she's invisible. Only gorgeous, unavailable Anton Grey seems to give Rebecca the time of day, but she wonders if he's got a hidden agenda. Then one night, in Lafayette Cemetery, Rebecca makes a friend. Sweet, mysterious Lisette is eager to talk to Rebecca, and to show her the nooks and crannies of the city. There's just one catch: Lisette is a ghost. A ghost with a deep, dark secret, and a serious score to settle. As Rebecca learns more from her ghost friend - and as she slowly learns to trust Anton Grey-she also uncovers startling truths about her own history. Will Rebecca be able to right the wrongs of the past, or has everything been ruined beyond repair?
This was a WOW pick for me, so I am so glad to finally have it in my hot little hands. I'm really looking forward to reading this one.
L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad

Release Date: Available Now from HarperTeen!!
Los Angeles is all about the sweet life: hot clubs, cute guys, designer . . . everything. Nineteen-year-old Jane Roberts can't wait to start living it up. She may be in L.A. for an internship, but Jane plans to play as hard as she works, and has enlisted her BFF Scarlett to join in the fun.
When Jane and Scarlett are approached by a producer who wants them to be on his new series, a "reality version of Sex and the City," they can hardly believe their luck. Their own show? Yes, please!
Soon Jane is TV's hottest star. Fame brings more than she ever imagined possible for a girl from Santa Barbara—free designer clothes, the choicest tables at the most exclusive clubs, invites to Hollywood premieres—and she's lapping up the VIP treatment with her eclectic entourage of new pals. But those same friends who are always up for a wild night are also out for a piece of Jane's spotlight.
In a city filled with people chasing after their dreams, it's not long before Jane wakes up to the reality that everyone wants something from her, and nothing is what it seems to be.
L.A. Candy is a deliciously entertaining novel about what it's like to come of age in Hollywood while starring in a reality TV show, written by a girl who has experienced it all firsthand: Lauren Conrad.
I just couldn't resist. It's too wonderful to pass up and I've heard some pretty good things about it.
That's it for me this week. Can't wait to see what everyone else got.
Happy 4th!!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic 4th of July. I'll try to post a review later today, but first I'll be enjoying hamburgers, potato salad, etc. etc. with my family. I love actually having a holiday off from work. It makes me appreciate them so much more.
Enjoy your festivities and be careful with those sparklers!! Had to fit the Disney in there somewhere....love those fireworks.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
July Contest!!!!!!!
Okay folks, here's your chance to win not one, but two amazing upcoming YA titles.
One lucky person will win:
The Hate List by Jennifer Brown (ARC)

Release Date: September 1, 2009 from Little, Brown Young Readers
Five months ago, Valerie Leftman's boyfriend, Nick, opened fire on their school cafeteria. Shot trying to stop him, Valerie inadvertently saved the life of a classmate, but was implicated in the shootings because of the list she helped create. A list of people and things she and Nick hated. The list he used to pick his targets.
Now, after a summer of seclusion, Val is forced to confront her guilt as she returns to school to complete her senior year. Haunted by the memory of the boyfriend she still loves and navigating rocky relationships with her family, former friends and the girl whose life she saved, Val must come to grips with the tragedy that took place and her role in it, in order to make amends and move on with her life.
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (ARC)

Release Date: December 1, 2009 from Little, Brown Young Readers
There were no surprises in Gatlin County.
We were pretty much the epicenter of the middle of nowhere.
At least, that's what I thought.
Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.
Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.
Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.
In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.
I've read both of these already and will have reviews up soon. They are amazing books and one incredibly lucky reader will win both of them, so here's how to enter.
You know the drill:
+1 for commenting with your e-mail address
+1 for becoming a follower
+2 if you are already a follower
+1 for blogging about my contest, please include a link
+1 for adding me to your blogroll
The contest ends July 30, 2009, so enter now and spread the word.
One lucky person will win:
The Hate List by Jennifer Brown (ARC)

Release Date: September 1, 2009 from Little, Brown Young Readers
Five months ago, Valerie Leftman's boyfriend, Nick, opened fire on their school cafeteria. Shot trying to stop him, Valerie inadvertently saved the life of a classmate, but was implicated in the shootings because of the list she helped create. A list of people and things she and Nick hated. The list he used to pick his targets.
Now, after a summer of seclusion, Val is forced to confront her guilt as she returns to school to complete her senior year. Haunted by the memory of the boyfriend she still loves and navigating rocky relationships with her family, former friends and the girl whose life she saved, Val must come to grips with the tragedy that took place and her role in it, in order to make amends and move on with her life.
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (ARC)

Release Date: December 1, 2009 from Little, Brown Young Readers
There were no surprises in Gatlin County.
We were pretty much the epicenter of the middle of nowhere.
At least, that's what I thought.
Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.
Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.
Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.
In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.
I've read both of these already and will have reviews up soon. They are amazing books and one incredibly lucky reader will win both of them, so here's how to enter.
You know the drill:
+1 for commenting with your e-mail address
+1 for becoming a follower
+2 if you are already a follower
+1 for blogging about my contest, please include a link
+1 for adding me to your blogroll
The contest ends July 30, 2009, so enter now and spread the word.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley

Release Date: Available Now!!!
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
And if I should die before I awake,
I pray the popular attend my wake.
Charlotte Usher feels practically invisible at school, and then one day she really is invisible. Even worse: she's dead. And all because she choked on a gummy bear. But being dead doesn't stop Charlotte from wanting to be popular; it just makes her more creative about achieving her goal.
If you thought high school was a matter of life or death, wait till you see just how true that is. In this satirical, yet heartfelt novel, Hurley explores the invisibility we all feel at some times and the lengths we'll go to be seen.
I was sooo glad when I received this in the mail. I'd been meaning to read it for awhile and what better excuse to catch up than a sequel. First of all, the look of the book is amazing. It has an incredible innovative design, which immediately catches your eye. And throughout the book their are wonderful illustrations at each chapters' opening.
Illustrations alone do not make a great book though. Luckily, what's inside the awesome design is just as good as what's outside. I loved this book. It was funny, creative, and full of completely crazy and yet compelling characters. Charlotte is fantastic although at times I found myself rolling my eyes at her obsession with being part of the "in" crowd. She's pretty clueless and yet somehow she seems to stumble in all the right directions.
Scarlet is my favorite character though. She's tough, fearless, and full of amazing comebacks of the kind I could only hope to come up with. Charlotte and Scarlet complement each other so well that their stories blend together seamlessly.
I just really enjoyed reading this book. From the Dead Ed kids to the Wendys, Tonya Hurley kept me laughing and kept me turning the pages long into the night. Usually when I'm reading a series, I don't immediately pick up the second book, but with this one, I just couldn't resist. I didn't think twice before making Ghostgirl: Homecoming my next read, so expect a review of that one soon.
I can't wait to see what Charlotte and Scarlet do next. This book was truly a joy to read. And by the way, be sure to check out the website that started it all.
June Contest Winner!!!!!!!!!

Hey, hey, hey!!! The winner of my June contest is (drum roll please)
I will be sending you an e-mail shortly, so keep a look out and get back to me with your info.
Thanks everyone for playing and come back soon for my July contest.
Also there's still time to enter to win one of five copies of Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson. Enter here. That contest ends July 13th.
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