Okay, it's Friday and I'm in the midst of Dooley, hence no new review, so I decided that I would share some other things that I'm interested in today. First of all, my sister Sara and I just got home from seeing The Uninvited.

It was her choice. I've been choosing all the movies lately, so I let her take the reins for this one. I actually enjoyed it. It was fairly scary and I didn't guess the ending even though I should have, because it's an idea that has become pretty popular in movies and books lately. The audience on the other hand, I did not enjoy. The theater was full of teenagers screaming at the top of their lungs for absolutely no reason. I'm used to annoying moviegoers...I go to a lot of movies, but these folks were above and beyond. They also spent the entire movie playing with their cell phones, so we had that whole distracting glow thing going on. Urgh!! I just don't understand why someone would pay $10 to see a movie that they aren't going to watch. Okay, off of my soapbox. All in all, a good thriller. I love horror movies and this one was pretty good with almost no gore.
One of my other favorite things is Supernatural, which had a new episode last night. I love this show. It's funny and current and always entertaining. I try to encourage everyone to watch it, even my naysayer friends. Just give it a chance....I know you'll like it. The fact that it stars two beautiful men doesn't hurt either. This show has filled a void in my life that was left by the exit of two of the best shows ever....Buffy and Angel. Oh how I miss you guys. Thank goodness I have the Winchesters to keep me occupied.