Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is totally not book related, but I just watched the first episode of Glee and it was fantastic. It's chock full of awesome characters, hilarious moments, and incredible music.

Unfortunately, I don't think the rest of the series will be on until Fall. I highly recommend it though. If you missed it, maybe they'll put the episode up on ITunes soon. They already have two of the songs available to purchase, which I did.

It was just really fun. Check it out if you can.


  1. Yep, I watched it and I loved it too. I'm sad it won't be back until Fall, but from the preview at the end, I really think it could be hilarious!

  2. Yay, I posted about this last night too. I loved it, though I am sad it won't be on again until the fall. Great stuff though. I think I found my new favorite show. haha


  3. This show is awesome! I loved it last night, and I (along with everyone else) can't wait for this fall when I get to see more.

  4. I love it already! And I can't wait!

  5. I missed it and can't find it anywhere! I'm glad it was awesome though! I was a big fan of Pushing Daisies, and that show stopped, so I love musical shows!!!


  6. I watched it too! I'm so sad that now I have to wait so long for the actual season to start though :( I loved it!

  7. We agree!!! Glee is great and the fall is too far away!!!

    Beth & Nathan

  8. I saw you & Renay at YA Fabulous talking up Glee, so I watched the pilot tonight. Loved it!

  9. Cassandra,

    They have the Pilot of Glee up on ITunes now and it's FREE. Even better.

